Pet Professor Clicker

Pet Professor Clicker


A Must-have Device For effective positive training - Just click to train your cat or dog to teach them new behaviours you want to see more of.

Train your dog to sit, drop, stay, fetch, and fun tricks like roll over, shake and more with ease.

Key Features

  • Never miss a chance to train your pet
  • Convenient Keychain and Wrist Attachment makes it easier to hold onto than box clickers - wear it on your wrist
  • OR hang it up or attach it to your treat pouch, so you don’t drop it and can access it easily and quickly
  • The ergonomic design makes it comfortable to hold
  • The sound it makes is softer than box clickers, which makes it more great for noise-sensitive dogs

Safety Information

Don’t leave lying around - small parts are a choking hazard to pets and babies.

  • Clickers are ‘markers’ for training puppies and young adult dogs to understand what behaviour you like.

    Conveniently fits in the palm of your hand, which helps when you’ve got a clicker, treat and leash in hand.

    Consistency is crucial in training your dog and having numerous clickers in different areas helps you be prepared and increases the success of the sound training.

    Make sure there is always a clicker to hand - keep one in your bag, one in your car, the kitchen… wherever you do your training.

  • Did you know?

    Clicker training began in the early 90s when trainers Gary and Karen Wilkes created the clicker as a means to communicate with their dogs during training. Years before, Karen Pryor, of the famous Karen Pryor Clicker Academy had written the much beloved “Don’t Shoot The Dog” book to help people understand the relationship between positive training and changing behaviour.

    Since then, clickers have been used around the world as the ‘marker’ or ‘bridge’ - to favourable behaviours occurring and the positive consequence (reward) that occurs when they do!

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